February 14, 2025, 12:42 am

Understanding Early Hair Loss: Causes and Treatments

TPW Desk
  • Update Time : Saturday, June 8, 2024

Causes of Early Hair Loss

Hair thinning or balding is a common concern as people lose hair daily. Losing more than 100 hairs a day can lead to noticeable scalp exposure.

Several factors contribute to this condition:

Mental and Physical Health: Stress, anxiety, depression, and malnutrition are major causes. Unscientific dieting, fever, liver and kidney diseases, post-chemotherapy anemia, and certain medications like indomethacin and gentamicin can also lead to hair loss.
Scalp Conditions: Dandruff, lice, dryness, and an oily scalp negatively impact hair health.
Lifestyle Factors: The younger generation’s irregular dietary habits and sleep patterns contribute significantly to hair loss. Mental stress from studies and other reasons, insufficient sleep, skipping breakfast, excessive fast food intake, and avoiding fruits and vegetables lead to malnutrition and hair loss. Thyroid issues and medication side effects are also factors.
Alopecia Areata: This condition causes complete bald patches on the scalp. It affects people of all ages, including children, and is sometimes hereditary.
Genetics: Family history can play a significant role in hair loss, often resulting in hereditary baldness where the middle part of the scalp loses hair first.

Treatments for Early Hair Loss

To combat hair loss, ensuring proper nutrition for hair is crucial. Nutrition reaches the hair through the blood vessels at the hair bulb, so enhancing blood circulation to these areas is vital.

Medical Treatments: Doctors may prescribe oral medications, anti-hair loss lotions, and shampoos.
Advanced Therapies: Modern treatments like mesotherapy and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) are effective, especially for androgenic alopecia or hereditary baldness. These treatments require several sessions and patience.
Lifestyle Changes: Long-term hair health improvement necessitates lifestyle and dietary changes. Proper nutrition, regular sleep, and stress management are key.

 Expert Insight

This information is provided by Dr. Zahed Parvez, an Associate Professor and specialist in sexual allergy and hair diseases at Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College.

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